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Mother Chevalier

Mother Tayloe


Mother Chevalier

North Central Perinatal Care
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Subspecialist
Recognizing the importance of
a woman-centered reproductive experience inspires the creation of a unified front with every patient.
Together, we face the complexities of childbirth and we nurture life. Our privilege is to educate and serve all communities by providing quality medical attention through sound medical advice and responsible diagnoses and treatment.
Our Services
Maternal & Fetal Medicine

Fetal Surveillance
Your health is our top priority. Contact us.
Please give a 24-hour notice to avoid the $75 appointment cancellation fee

Dr. Kafui A. Demasio
Our location
914-339-2221 Phone
913-639-9002 Fax

Hours of Operation
Monday & Thursday -12-6
Wednesday & Friday: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday, Sat, Sun: Closed
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