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Pregnancy complicated by maternal paraplegia or tetraplegia as a result of spinal cord injury and spina bifida.
Demasio K, Magriples U. J Sexuality Nov. 1999. Vol.17, Issue 3, pg 223–232. September 1999
Fetal growth restriction: an evidence-based approach-Part I
Demasio K, Bahado-Singh R., Contemporary OB/GYN 53-63, June 2002.
Fetal growth restriction: an evidence-based approach-Part II.
Demasio K, Bahado-Singh R., Contemporary OB/GYN:42-62 CME cover article; July 2002.
Isolated choroid plexus cyst in women <35 years of age. Demasio K, Canterino J, Ananth C, Fernandez C, Smulian J, Vintzileos A. Am J Obstet Gynecol.187(5):1246-9. Nov 2002.
Maternal serum of women with pre-eclampsia reduces trophoblast cell viability: evidence for an increased sensitivity to Fas-mediated apoptosis.
Neale D, Demasio K, Illuzi J, Chaiworapongas T, Romero R, Mor GJ Matern Fetal Neonatal Med.
13(1):39-44, Jan 2003
The complexity of finding solutions to reducing racial/ethnic
disparities in health care outcomes.
Demasio KA, Public Health Reports 118 (4): 338, 2003.
Global use of ultrasound for maternal mortality reduction in countries with high maternal mortality ratios. Small M, Demasio K, Pregnancy Hypertens. Jul;2(3):186-7. 2012. Epub Jun 13 2012.
Disorder of Hemostasis, in Obstetric Medicine sixth edition. Kafui Demasio and Jacob Rand. (Chapter 16, pg. 335-356), Editors Wayne R. Cohen and
Phyllis August, PMPH-USA LTD © 2013.
Pregnancy after surgical resection of cesarean scar ectopic: A case report and literature review. Davidson S, Fu Y, Demasio K, J Pregnancy Reprod. 1(1): 1-3, 2017
Strip of the Month: Recognizing the Progression to Category III Tracing: Late Decelerations. Kafui A. Demasio, NeoReviews, The Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. 20(2): e96-e104 February 2019.
Strip of the Month: Pregnancy Complicated by Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Kafui A. Demasio, NeoReviews, Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. 20(5): e306-e315. May 2019
Strip of the Month: Pseudosinusoidal Pattern in Labor. Kafui A. Demasio, NeoReviews, Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. 20(8): e475-e481. August 2019
Excellence in Endoscopic Procedures 1998
American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists (AAGL)
Stanford University Residency Program Surgical Award
Pasquale Research Grant Award, 2002
Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine,
The study of premature rupture of membranes (PPROM)
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences,
UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson
First place award best poster presentation; Protein S change and ethnicity 2014
NY OB Society 37th annual scientific meeting.
America's Top Obstetricians & Gynecologists 2009 through 2017
Consumers' Research Council of America
Top Doctor 2019
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